Thank You + See you in the New Year!

When I started my mood board project back in March 2014 I had no idea how important this blog would become in my life. At the time I wasn't even sure I was going to actually go through with the whole freelance thing. My readership was pitiful at the start - I actually had to ask my mom to not comment on every post since that might give the wrong vibe hah.  But quickly my little blog started to get more attention, and when I started posting new content everyday my readership really started to blossom. Seeing the support from all of you really gave me the confidence to strike out on my own. Knowing that people care about my work and my life is truly one of the greatest feelings in the world.

SO THANK YOU! SO MUCH! For continuing to read my blog, posting your insightful comments, and sending me sweet notes. I am truly touched that people take the time to read about my little corner of the world.

I am going to take a hiatus from this blog for the next two weeks! I will be staycation-ing with my husband, spending time resting and relaxing before crazy January comes rolling in!

I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday break as well - filled with either relaxation or adventure!

So from the bottom of my heart - wishing you peace, love, and laughter in the New Year!

See you in January!

Xo, Jess