Looking at the Stars

The other day my husband told me this quote and it has been in the back of my mind since. I have been mulling it over in my mind like a mantra. To me this quote by Oscar Wilde is saying that we all have our own struggles, our own insecurities, our own sadness - but rather than letting it overwhelm you and lead you to despair - you can keep your head up and stay positive about the future. 

The last 4 months have been very difficult, my pregnancy condition has taken a toll on me mentally and physically. But knowing that there is a sweet little boy at the end of the struggle has been my shining star. Next week I am scheduled to be induced on Thursday (8/6/15) - and while very nervous for labor, I am so excited to meet my little guy! Not to be too TMI but things are looking really good down there (baby head is low, already 2cm dilated and partially effaced), and they are pretty confident I will be able to deliver vaginally! They warned that I might not even make it to Thursday since my body seems to be getting ready for delivery already. When I was diagnosed at 20 weeks with ICP, it seemed like 36 weeks was a lifetime away. While in some ways it does feel like I have been through a lifetime and back in these 16 weeks, it has also flown by. I am all nerves and butterflies right now and while I am still suffering with my condition, I am truly looking at the stars! 

On another note - I will be releasing my ebook and a few other download goodies on Friday! I will also be hosting an instagram giveaway contest, so be sure to follow me for details! 

Xo Jess