Fred Taich 1926-2013
My papa passed away last week. It wasn't much of a suprise, he had been in a pretty serious decline for the past few years. He lived a full life, and had over 30 years of retired bliss in Florida. I only knew my papa during his retired years when he was fun-loving, active, and very funny man. He loved a good 7-11 slurpee, ice cream at midnight, fishing, camping, pranks, and old songs from the 30's and 40's. He was always singing a tune, or making a joke. I recently re-discovered these pictures that I took in Florida in college. I was in a film class at the time, so I brought my 35mm to Florida during spring break. It was definetly the best trip I ever had with my grandparents. We went to the beach, shopped in St. Armands, went out to dinner, saw a local theater production. My papa was already in decline then, but was still able to remember me, crack jokes, and get around pretty easily. The picture of my papa up top really shows my papa's sense of humor. We have countless funny face photos of my papa floating around our house. I will miss him a lot, but I am also relieved that he is no longer in his diminished state. Rest in peace, papa. I love you!