Warby Parker Summer Collection!

I was pretty excited when Warby Parker reached out to me to show me a sneak peek of their Summer 17 collection! I have a huge soft spot for crystal rimmed glasses, and these colored crystals are really up my alley. I love how light and airy they are, and really can showcase your personality. I had fun creating this summer-infused graphic and I am definitely eyeing a few pairs, but for my face shape and complexion - I am especially keen on the Percey in Chestnut Crystal . Warby Parker is known for their home try-on program, but if you know which glasses you want already they also offer free shipping! I wasn't paid anything for this post, I just thought their new collection was pretty great and wanted to share with you :)

I know it has been almost 6 months since I last blogged oy! But I have it as a goal to start blogging again as I miss the creative outlet. So talk to you soon!

xo Jess